Hey everybody, I’m back. Its time for another post. I want to talk about my experience with my internship that I am at. It is great. I have learned much here. It has been great working with the different assignments and tasks that i have been given. They have all been great to work on, especially the Bob Hall ads and Web banners. They were really fun to work on. Also, on top of working on them. They got put into the Yakima Herald and also onto their website. That was so cool, to see something that you did and then to see it actually out there in the real world. It gives you a great sense and feeling of accomplishments. I know that these are only small steps, but they are still steps. I have enjoyed it so much. It is worth doing because you gain this experience in the end. It just has been awesome and I plan to do a lot more in the future.I have posted some of the pieces that I did for Bob Hall on my wordpress under the “portfolio” sections, so please check it out and tell me what you think.